Wisdom teeth are a remnant of humanity's distant past when humans ate coarse foods that required excessive chewing and grinding. An extra set of molars were useful to replace teeth that were worn away by these foods.
The term "wisdom teeth" comes from the fact that this set of four molars appear in the very back of the mouth as a person reaches young adulthood.
While these teeth were useful to our ancestors, they can be a source of dental problems for modern humans, because although they retained the extra set of teeth, the jawbone of humans grew smaller over time.
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If you've been feeling off lately with your health and cannot pinpoint exactly what is going on, a visit to your doctor for a blood test could reveal the problem you are experiencing. One thing a blood test checks is your thyroid function, and your thyroid levels might reveal that you could have a condition called Hashimoto's disease. Here are two things you should know about this condition.
Hashimoto's disease is an autoimmune disorder, which means that it directly targets and affects your body's immune system.
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Losing your ability to hear can be devastating no matter how old you are. However, for children, it can be much worse, especially if they are older. If your child was born with the ability to hear, but lost it because of illness or other factors, they likely will have great difficulty understanding what is going on or how to communicate with the people around them. Here are three tips you can use to help your child cope with hearing loss.
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If you love being social and making other people feel great about themselves, you might be thinking about going to beauty school. But what if you don't want to cut hair and apply nail tips the rest of your life? Aesthetics is the field of cosmetology that focuses on skincare and general wellness. Here are two exciting skills you might learn in aesthetics school, so that you can work at luxurious resorts and spas:
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Your back does a lot of hard work on a daily basis. As the core of the central nervous system, it helps to regulate all of your body movement. Since it's so important to your body's function, you'll want to make sure that you're doing everything possible to take care of it. After all, back pain and back injuries can leave you out of commission for days at a time. To help both reduce your risk of back problems and encourage rehabilitation of existing spinal damage and back injuries, take steps to focus on those muscles and keep them strong.
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