5 Signs That Your Elderly Parent Might Be Suffering From Hearing Loss
Thinking about your elderly parent having health issues probably isn't easy. However, by identifying these issues as they pop up, you can help ensure that your loved one is getting all of the best medical care that is available. For example, hearing loss is common among many senior citizens, even if your mom or dad has never had trouble hearing before.
By noticing the problem now, you can help your parent get a hearing aid or another listening device. If you notice any of these signs, now is the time to take your parent to a hearing doctor to have a hearing test done.
1. The Television is Loud
One of the first signs that your parent might have hearing loss is that the television is loud when you walk in. If you find that the TV or radio is louder than ever before, it could be because your mom or dad is having a hard time hearing them otherwise.
2. Phone Conversations are Difficult
Many people with hearing loss find that phone conversations are most difficult. When in person, your mom or dad can read your facial expressions and even read your lips. On the phone, however, this obviously isn't possible.
3. Speaking Embarrassingly Loudly
If you find yourself feeling embarrassed because your parent speaks too loudly, you shouldn't get angry or upset. Many people start speaking more loudly due to hearing loss because they can't hear themselves. This minor embarrassment could actually be the sign of a hearing problem in your loved one.
4. Accusing Others of Mumbling
If you find that your mom or dad accuses you or others of mumbling -- even when you are speaking at a normal volume -- it could be because your words sound like mumbling to your parent.
5. Can't Hear in Groups or Crowds
Many elderly people who are suffering from hearing loss have a difficult time hearing while in groups or crowds. They may be able to hear relatively well in one-on-one conversations, but too much background noise can make conversation difficult. If you notice that your parent can't seem to hear while in restaurants, large family gatherings or other crowded or noisy places, hearing loss could be an issue.
As you can see, even seemingly minor things can be signs of your parent's hearing loss. Luckily, noticing these signs now can help your parent get the help that he or she needs as soon as possible. To learn more, you may need to talk to a professional who has experience with listening devices.