Exploring The Benefits Of Massage Therapy

Four Tips On Lice For Parents To Know

If your child attends school, it's important to beware of the potential your child has of coming in contact with lice. Here are four tips to help you avoid, detect, and treat lice if it does show up on your child's head: Teach Your Child About Lice: First off, you want your child to know about the dangers of lice. You should let your child know that they should not share hats at school. Read More 

Three Signs You May Be Developing Adult Onset Asthma

Like many people, you may associate asthma with children, but adults can develop asthma as they age. An adult can develop this condition at any age, but it is most common after a person reaches his or her middle age. The following are three signs that you may have asthma. It is not an exhaustive list, but only discusses the most common symptoms of this medical condition. A wheezing or hissing noise when you exhale Read More 

3 Tips For Preventing Cross-Contamination In Your Kitchen When A Loved One Has A Food Allergy

It is estimated that as many as 15 million Americans have at least one food allergy, including one out of every 13 children. If someone in your household has a food allergy, one thing that you might worry about is cross-contamination. Even mild contamination can trigger serious allergy symptoms for someone who has a major food allergy, so this is something to take very seriously. Luckily, following these tips can help you keep your family member safe. Read More 

Assisted Living: Decrease Social Isolation And Improve Quality Of Life

If you or a loved one is getting older and looking for an alternative living situation, assisted living may be the key. As you get older, it becomes harder to get out of the home. Many seniors who remain at home independently become socially isolated, and begin to have trouble taking care of their basic needs. Whether you are tired of the upkeep of living in a home alone, or you simply want to be around other people, an assisted living facility can give you the socialization you are craving while maintaining your independence. Read More 

3 Essential Affirmations To Help Soothe Anxiety

Anxiety can make life miserable for those who suffer from this feeling of turmoil on an ongoing basis. If you suspect you may have a generalized anxiety disorder, it's very important to seek treatment from a mental health professional. Psychotherapy will help you deal with it in a variety of ways, and you will be able to develop coping skills for when the negative feeling of anxiety does creep in. These essential affirmations may be a powerful tool to help you deal with anxiety as well. Read More