Tips For A Successful And Useful Allergy Test
Undergoing allergy testing, while not painful, can be a bit of an annoyance. As such, it is probably something you do not want to have to do more than once, if possible. While there's no way to guarantee you won't need a second round of allergy testing, you do have some level of control here. Follow the tips below, and you'll increase your chances of a successful allergy test and useful test results.
Avoid exercise before your test.
You don't have to sit on the couch and watch television the whole time, but don't go to the gym and try to squeeze in a hard workout, either. Vigorous exercise can elevate your metabolism in unique ways that make you more reactive to allergens for a while afterwards. If you were to exercise a lot before your allergy test, the results might suggest that you were more allergic to certain substances than you really are. Your doctor can tell you exactly how long before your test you need to avoid heavy exercise. Sometimes, the recommendation may be a few days, and other times, it may be a few hours. It depends on what allergies are being investigated and on your overall health.
Stop taking any antihistamine medications.
If you often have allergy symptoms, you may rely on antihistamine medications to stay comfortable. Unfortunately, though, you will need to avoid taking them in the days leading up to your allergy test. They can mute your body's response to the allergens introduced during the test, making it harder for your doctor to determine what you're actually allergic to. If you're not taking antihistamines, but you have allergy symptoms that are unbearable in the days leading up to your test, contact your doctor. They'll tell you what to take, if anything. They may need to postpone your test if there's no option other than for you to take antihistamines at that time.
Don't itch while you're waiting.
Typically, your doctor will apply the allergens to your skin, and then they'll leave you in the room, alone, to wait for the test to develop. While you're waiting in the room, the skin around the test area might get itchy. But you absolutely must avoid itching it. Doing so could spread the allergens from one test spot to another test spot, confusing your results. If you need relief, try blowing gently on the test area.
With the tips above, you can increase the success of your allergy test so that hopefully, you do not have to go back for a second test. Visit a place like Allergy Asthma Clinic of Fort Worth for more information.