Finding The Right Medical Gas Supplier
Deciding on a medical gas supplier for your private practice can be a confusing choice. Conventional wisdom may dictate that you go with the supplier that is the cheapest. While that may be true in some cases, there are other critically important factors to consider besides just the price.
First, consider the reputation of the gas supplier. How good is the quality of the gas? Does the supplier offer in-house quality assurance testing? Medical grade oxygen should be 99.999% pure. So, questions like these are a good place to start.
You will also want to know whether the commercial space for your medical practice already has the piping for medical gas installed. If not, having the pipes installed is a considerable expense, but many reputable gas suppliers offer installation services as well. Just make sure the supplier is in compliance with all local, state, and federal regulations like those set forth by the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). If the gas supplier of your choosing is not authorized to install the piping systems, ask them to recommend a reputable contractor.
Once the piping is installed, or already installed as the case may be, does the medical gas supplier offer maintenance service on the system? A good supplier will keep your setup in shape. A reputable medical gas supplier, or a contractor working through them, will also provide routine inspections and testing to make sure the system is functioning optimally. For example, testing the indoor air quality ensures there are no leaks in the system that could pose fire and asphyxiation hazards. Employees can also be monitored to guard against unsafe exposures to various gases during their workday.
Have you considered outpatient oxygen supplies for patients? To ensure purity, all oxygen canisters must be completely drained before they can be refilled. Failure to properly fill oxygen tanks can be prosecuted by the federal government. Make sure your medical gas outlet or supplier can refill these tanks properly.
A quality medical gas outlet supplier will eagerly answer all your questions and readily make themselves available for all your service needs. However, the bottom-line price should not be the only deciding factor. It's important to make the correct decision as that will keep your business thriving, your patients well taken care of, and your employees healthy. For more information, contact a medical gas outlet supply service.