Want To Restore Your Active Life By Eliminating Severe Joint Pain? Look Into Stem Cell Therapy Treatment
Joint pain as you age can keep you from staying fit, exercising, and doing the things that you love. If this has happened to you and you aren't sure what to do because you aren't ready to undergo a major joint replacement surgery, talk with a surgeon about the possibility of stem cell treatments.
Stem cell treatments are some of the best options for people that are struggling to overcome joint pain and that have significantly damaged knee tissue. Talk with the stem cell treatment experts about these things.
Potential Outcome of the Treatments
Injecting the joint cartilage cells with new healthy stem cells can help to stimulate the regeneration and improvement of cartilage that is still left in the joint. This means restoring the tissues that help the joint and relieving the discomfort and pain that you have now because of the cartilage deterioration. The condition of your joint and how your body reacts to the treatment will play a large role in how your joint improves from the treatment.
Procedure Information
The surgeons will choose a harvest area in the body to pull out the healthy stem cells in the body. From there they will inject them directly into the joint. This is a fairly quick process, and the length of stay afterward at a medical care facility will be determined on your condition after the procedure. Some are able to leave the same day and rest at home, and it's expected that a patient will not be using the joint that was injected for anywhere from a few days to up to 2 weeks. The harvest area will also be sore for possibly a couple of weeks.
This natural treatment option is becoming incredibly popular because it doesn't require a fake component to be inserted into the body, which can be rejected. Rehabilitation and treatment is much easier than recovering from joint replacement surgery, and the risks are minimal with stem cell treatment.
Find a consultant in your area to see if they think your joint pain is something that can be treated with stem cell therapy and if you can return to the healthy state you were in before the joint pain became a problem for you.
Since this procedure may not be covered by your insurance provider, talk with the stem cell treatment company about what the costs will be and what plans are available. This could be the easiest way to restore your joint health. For more information, call a stem cell therapy treatment provider.