How To Determine If You Need A New Scooter Battery
A mobility scooter can play a large role in increasing how much you are able to travel on a day-to-day basis. However, you may begin to notice that your mobility scooter battery does not last as long and that you must spend more time charging it. You might need new batteries, but you may want to test your batteries before you purchase new ones.
Find the Battery Indicator
Mobility scooters come with a battery indicator that informs you of how much juice your batteries have left. When you are operating the mobility scooter, bring it to a stop with the key still in the on position. There will usually be an LED indicator. It may show a battery and how full the battery is, or it might show a series of red, orange and green lights. If the red light is illuminated, this is a sign that the battery is almost dead. A green light indicates that the battery is charged.
Test How Long the Battery Works
Now that you've located the indicator, push the lever that makes your mobility scooter run. Pay attention to how fast the battery drains. If the battery drains very fast, you may need to replace your mobility scooter battery. If you're not sure, track how long your battery lasts and then look at the owner's manual to compare it to how long the manual claims that the battery should last.
Use a Multimeter
If you are handy with a multimeter, you may be able to test the batteries using that. If you're not able to use a multimeter, take a trip to a local mobility scooter store, and they should be able to test it for you. This is the most definitive way to know if your mobility scooter needs new batteries.
Don't Forget to Test the Charger
If you determine that the batteries are fine, you should test the charger overnight to see how well it charges your battery. You may need to head to a mobility scooter store to purchase a new charger. To determine how badly the charger is functioning, charge the battery all the way. Drive the normal range that you drive on a typical day, then recharge your batteries again. The next day, when it's time to go on a trip, check your mileage and see if there is a decrease. If so, your charger might not be functioning properly.