Tips To Help You Prepare For Your Upcoming Surgery

Few things can strike fear into your heart like hearing the doctor say these three words:  "You need surgery." The phrase brings up so many emotions and can throw you into a state where you don't really know what to do. It's important to vocalize the fears you have to your doctor so they can help to alleviate them. Many medical professionals will typically provide you with an information sheet or packet that will give you an idea of what to expect, but there's often so much that isn't listed there. Take a look at a few of the things you can do so you'll be as prepared as possible for your upcoming surgery.

Get Your Support System In Place

No matter how minor the surgery you are getting happens to be, it's always profitable to have a support system in place. There are always risks associated with having surgery so you need to buffer yourself against the chances that you will be down for the count. A good support team can help make this happen.

Your support team needs to be as multi-faceted as possible. Try not to put too much pressure on any one person because the load could be too much for them. Other people also have families and responsibilities, so you should strive to take a diversified approach that distributes the duties as evenly as possible.

For example, get a designated chauffeur. This person picks you up from the hospital or clinic after the procedure, grabs your medications, and is on call in case you need food or supplies form the store. Also, you'll want a cook who can be on hand to prepare meals just in case you're too tired to make dinner for the family. Even if you feel wonderful after surgery and don't need the extra help, it's always so beneficial to be prepared.

Exercise And Stay In Shape

If you don't want to have to endure much rehab after surgery, you might want to invest in a little "pre-hab" beforehand. It's very simple when you think about it: The healthier you are going into surgery, the quicker you could find yourself making a full recovery. 

Don't worry about starting an over-strenuous workout plan. Just work in some light exercise starting approximately six weeks before the procedure.

As you head into surgery be as positive as possible. Prepare yourself for a great experience that will go by with the greatest of ease.
