Mobility Aids That Could Help Your Parent Stay Active

If your elderly parent has trouble with balance, strength, or endurance when walking, it may be time to buy a mobility aid for safety's sake. There are different options to choose from, and selecting the right one will help keep your parent active and independent for longer. Here is a look at some of the choices available.


A walker is ideal if your parent needs help with balance or if stability is needed when they are getting in and out of a chair. The traditional folding walkers don't take up much space, and they are inexpensive if you have to pay for one yourself. You can buy these with and without wheels. The wheels make it easier to glide the walker across carpeting, but they also increase the risk of the walker moving when your parent isn't balanced and steady. One of these walkers helps your parent get more exercise, and that improves overall health and quality of life.


Another type of walker is the rolling walker or rollator. These have four wheels and hand brakes. One of these is ideal if your parent is still active, since these glide easily enough to use for walking outdoors and to take grocery shopping. These come with accessories such as a basket for carrying goods when shopping and a seat for taking occasional rests. A rolling walker is small in size, so it is also good to use around the home for help staying steady when cooking and cleaning. A rollator also makes it easy to keep a seat nearby at all times, and this is handy if your parent has trouble with dizzy spells or shortness of breath.


Sometimes, a wheelchair can be the safest choice when buying a mobility aid. It reduces the risk of falling and allows your parent to be mobile when walking increases exhaustion and shortness of breath. Wheelchairs come in a variety of sizes and styles so you can find one that matches your parent's needs. If the chair is to be used in the home, you may want one with foot rests that remove so your parent can propel it by walking while sitting. This method also provides a small amount of exercise. Choosing a chair with desk arms is convenient too because these chairs fit under a table or desk comfortably. Even though a wheelchair is bulkier than a walker, it can double as a walker if your parent pushes it from behind. This provides stability for times when your parent would rather stand or walk.


A scooter is the ultimate mobility aid. You can buy compact scooters for use inside the home that make tight turns, but the biggest advantage to one of these aids is the ability to go outdoors. Your parent could take the scooter to the grocery store, the park, the theater, or anywhere else that is close by. This increases independence, socialization, and mobility. You can even buy a scooter lift for your car so you can take it with you when traveling. This allows your parent to go just about anywhere without having to do much walking or standing.

When you shop for mobility aids, be sure to ask about insurance coverage. Your doctor may be able to write a prescription for the aid, which would allow your parent to get it with little or no cost. Even if you have to buy the aid yourself, it is worth the investment because staying mobile will greatly improve your parent's enjoyment of life.
