Bad Cholesterol Problems? 4 Ways To Naturally Lower Your LDL Levels

When it comes to healthy living, proper diet and nutrition are key. These two things are crucial components of ayurvedic medicine as well. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) currently estimate that roughly 71 million adults in America suffer from bad cholesterol (LDL). Bad cholesterol puts individuals at twice the risk of cardiovascular disease, which is the number one cause of mortality in the US. Therefore, it is very important that you do what you can to lower your cholesterol. Here are a few ways you can do so naturally:

Start Eating More Whole Grains and Fiber

According to the American Heart Association, you need to start increasing your intake of whole grains and fiber if you're looking to improve your blood cholesterol levels. Both dietary and soluble fiber can help in this matter. Make sure that you're getting a minimum of half of your daily grain intake from whole grains, such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread, popcorn, brown rice, corn and barley.

Stop Smoking

Most people realize that smoking is bad for their health and heart; however, many do not realize that smoking is increasing their risk of coronary artery disease if they have high cholesterol. According to WebMD, there has been research conducted that showed that cholesterol levels improve once an individual stops smoking.

Get Your Body Moving

When combined with diet and nutrition as well as weight loss, exercise can have a significant impact on your LDL cholesterol levels. However, it is important to keep in mind that this is something that you have to work for on a regular basis. For example, it is recommended that you work out at moderate intensity for 20 to 30 minutes several times a week. The more frequently you can exercise (safely, of course), the lower your cholesterol can be and the healthier you will be.

Indulge in Some Dark Chocolate

While you may be dieting and exercising, research says it is good to treat yourself every now and then with some dark chocolate. Apparently, in one study, dark chocolate – containing at least 70 percent cocoa – had the ability to lower bad cholesterol levels by 20 percent, improve good cholesterol levels by 20 percent and lower blood sugar levels when compared to white chocolate. It is suggested that this may be due to the antioxidants found in the dark chocolate.

For more natural ways on lowering your LDL cholesterol levels as well as more information on natural medicine practices, consider reaching out to a local ayurvedic practitioner. 
