Shoulder Pain and No Injury? What Can Cause This and What You Can Do About It

If you are having shoulder pain but have not been injured in any way, it may be hard to tell why you are hurting. There could be many things going on in your shoulder causing your pain. Below is some information about four of these things to give you some idea about where this pain may be coming from.


If your pain is coming from the top of your shoulder, it could be due to fibromyalgia. There is no known cause for this problem, but it can be treated with medication. Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that not only causes pain but also can make your shoulder feel tender and stiff.


Bursitis can cause shoulder pain. If you have this, you are likely feeling pain on the top of your shoulder. Other symptom includes swelling of the shoulder area, and the shoulder may feel tender when you touch it. To determine if you have this problem, your doctor will perform an MRI (magnetic resonance image), which allows them to see joints and tendons. If the problem is bursitis, it will be treated with medication and physical therapy. If the problem continues, it could result in a rotator-cuff problem.

Rotator Cuff

The pain in your shoulder could be due to a rotator-cuff problem. If you have this problem, you will feel pain in the front of your shoulder, have localized swelling, and may find that the area is tender to the touch. You will feel stiffness and pain when you lift your arm and feel pain if you lower your arm from an elevated position. In most cases, the symptoms are mild in the beginning but over time will become much worse.

To determine that you have this problem, the doctor will perform an x-ray on your shoulder as well as give you an MRI. The doctor will give you medication as well as send you to a physical therapist. If the problem is not corrected, you may require surgery.

Impingement Syndrome

Shoulder impingement can be caused by doing repetitive overhead arm movements, such as with lifting weights, swimming, or baseball pitching. Having poor posture can also cause shoulder impingement. If not treated, this condition could result in something much more serious, like a rotator-cuff tear. If you have this problem, you will feel pain when you are doing things like reaching out to the side, behind your body, or over your head. You will also feel pain when you sleep on the injured side.  

Your doctor will work with a physical therapist to help diagnose this problem. A physical therapist will ask you about your symptoms as well as perform motion and strength tests on your shoulder to determine if impingement syndrome is the problem. If so, you will continue physical therapy to help heal your shoulder.

Talk with an orthopedic doctor to learn much more about these shoulder problems. Visit sites such as to find a doctor near you.
