Three Signs You May Be Developing Adult Onset Asthma
Like many people, you may associate asthma with children, but adults can develop asthma as they age. An adult can develop this condition at any age, but it is most common after a person reaches his or her middle age. The following are three signs that you may have asthma. It is not an exhaustive list, but only discusses the most common symptoms of this medical condition.
A wheezing or hissing noise when you exhale
This can be other things beside asthma, but it needs to be mentioned because it is common, especially in children. But for adults, you need to pay attention to how often you experience this condition. It may come on because of a cold that has affected your lungs, but once you get over the cold, the condition will disappear. You should pay attention if you experience this condition when you do not feel sick. It is possible that asthma is the cause of this problem.
A cough that comes and goes
Often, an adult with asthma, especially in the beginning stages, will have a cough for no apparent reason, or perhaps they will have a cold and experience a cough with a longer duration than they have in the past with a cold. This is a sign you may have asthma. Naturally, a persistent cough is something that could be any number of problems with your health, but when the cough comes and goes, or is worse than usual when you have a cold, it could be a sign of asthma.
Shortness of breath and tightness in the chest
This type of symptom can be critical, so if you experience this symptom suddenly and it does not go away, you need to call for medical assistance immediately. For someone who has asthma, this will often be experienced after physical exertion. However, after resting for a period of time, it will go away. Although you may not have asthma with this symptom, you may have a respiratory issue and need to see a doctor for a diagnosis.
Keep in mind, the above signs of asthma could be symptoms of another health problem, especially when they exist with other symptoms not listed here. If you are experiencing any of these signs, you should see a doctor. There are tests for asthma that can determine conclusively whether you have the disorder, and how severe it is. There are treatments available. The extent of your asthma problem and other medical conditions you may have will determine the method of treatment prescribed to you.
Contact an asthma testing center in your area to learn more.