No Luck With Your Weight Loss? 4 Steps To Speed Things Up

Trying to lose weight can be tough, especially if you're menopausal. If you are, you're going to need extra help getting rid of those excess pounds around the midsection. Don't give up. You can still lose weight, even if you're menopausal and have a sluggish metabolism. Here are four suggestions for jump-starting your weight loss.

Talk to Your Doctor

If you're having trouble losing weight, one of the best things you can do is talk to your doctor. Your doctor will be able to determine if there are underlying medical conditions that might be interfering with your ability to lose weight. They'll also be able to help you create a weight loss plan or weight loss clinic that works for you.

Kick Up the Metabolism

If your metabolism is running at a snail's pace, you're going to want to kick it up a notch. The easiest way to do that is to trick it into doing its job. Head to the gym – or your bedroom if you exercise at home – and start doing some lifting. Adding strength-training to your fitness routine a couple of times a week will give your metabolism the boost it needs to start working properly.

Switch Things Up a Bit

If you're used to exercising at the same pace each day, your body may be adjusting to the routine. That means it's not going to burn as many calories during exercise. To gain the maximum weight-loss benefits from your exercise routine, you need to switch things up a bit. If you walk at a leisurely pace, step things up for a few minutes. Walk at a quicker pace until you feel yourself start to sweat and then slow back down to your normal pace. Use the same process if you jog, walk on a treadmill, or ride on a stationary bike. The trick is to speed things up a bit each time you exercise.

Increase the Omega 3s

If you don't get enough Omega 3s in your diet, your body might have a harder time burning fat. A recent study found that Omega 3 can help suppress your appetite and speed up your body's ability to burn fat. Some foods that contain high amounts of Omega 3 fats include:

  • Flaxseed
  • Walnuts
  • Sardines
  • Salmon

If you're not having any success with your weight loss attempts, don't be discouraged. The tips provided above can help you reach your goals. Before you begin any weight loss program, be sure to get your doctors approval. 
