3 Natural Rinses for Preventing Gingivitis in Children

Gum disease is caused by the accumulation of plaque and bacteria underneath your gum line. When the plaque hardens it turns into tartar and this leads to an extreme form of gum disease like periodontal disease. While periodontal disease is an extreme form of gum disease, gingivitis is a milder form that can easily develop in children. An early sign of gingivitis is bleeding around the gum line when your child brushes their teeth. Reversing gingivitis can take some time, therefore, it is important to take the necessary steps to prevent it. Therefore, there are a few natural rinses that your child can incorporate in their dental care regimen in order to protect their gums against gingivitis.

Warm Saltwater Rinse

Saltwater is the easiest way to protect your child's mouth from bacteria and infection. It is often used to treat adult dental issues. You can create the rinse by adding a spoonful of salt to a cup of warm water. Mix the salt until it fully dissolves. Allow your child to gargle and rinse with the mixture for a few minutes before spitting it out. If you perform this daily, then the rinse will help to remove any bacteria and plaque before it has a chance to build up.

Fresh Mint Rinse

Mint is frequently used to treat coughs and other colds, but it can also be used as a dental rinse for your child. Mint contains antibacterial properties that are effective at removing harmful bacteria before it has a chance to cause an infection. You can create a mint rinse by placing a handful of fresh mint in a cup of boiled water. Allow the mint leaves to sit in the mixture until it reaches room temperature. Once the rinse cools, you can give it to your child to rinse their mouth with. The mint can be used in the morning and night in order to get the best results.

Tea Tree Oil Rinse

Tea tree oil is often incorporated in mouthwashes because it contains antibacterial properties that are effective at fighting off tooth decay. Tea tree oil is extremely strong, therefore, it should be used sparingly. Add a drop of the oil to warm cup of water. Your child can use their mouth to move the rinse around until it reaches all of the corners of their mouth.

For thorough oral care, add these natural dental rinses to your child's dental care routine in order to help prevent gingivitis. Contact a local pediatric dentist, such as Russell Pollina, DDS, if you have any questions about gingivitis prevention.
