A vein specialist is a doctor or medical specialist who works on people who have various vein issues, particularly those with varicose or spider veins. Spider veins are smaller, more red, blue, purple, or green veins that are visible just under the skin and tend to web out in design. Varicose veins are larger, more troublesome veins that can throb and cause other pain and often become swollen and agitated.
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If you've been having back pain after an injury, your doctor might recommend physical therapy. If the problem is in a muscle or disc, physical therapy might help with pain, recovery, and prevention of future injuries. Here are some physical therapy services that might help your back.
Heat Treatments
Heat can be soothing to a painful back. Your therapist might have you relax in a hydrotherapy tub. You might even do exercises in the tub while you're supported by warm water.
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Now that Covid-19 is waning, you might think you can forgo the testing. Unfortunately, that's not actually the case. The numbers might be dwindling in the United States, but Covid-19 is still a health concern around the world. That's why it's important for testing to continue throughout the country. If you've been feeling under the weather, now's the time to get tested. If you're not sure why testing is important right now, read the information provided below.
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Are you a senior who wants to continue to be active? If so, a senior wellness care plan might be a good solution. You have likely had friends and family members whose health you have watched decline. Perhaps some of them were closely connected to you. You may feel concerns about your own well-being at times but appreciate being able to still care for yourself. These are things that many other seniors face and have found that getting involved in wellness care is beneficial.
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Bunions don't always need surgery, but if your bunion is getting worse, and it interferes with your daily life, it could be time to talk to your doctor about surgery. There are a few ways bunion surgery can be done. Your doctor considers the severity of your condition and the tissues that are affected when planning your procedure. Here's a look at how the surgery might be done if your bunion is still fairly mild.
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