Exploring The Benefits Of Massage Therapy

3 Questions To Ask When Your Obstetrician Recommends An Induction

At some point near the end of your pregnancy, your obstetrician may tell you that he or she wants to schedule you for an induction. An induction is when the doctor takes steps to get your labor started artificially. While the induction rates in the United States have been falling, at least for women at 37 or 38 weeks of pregnancy, the induction rate is still above 18%, which means that many women will encounter a recommendation for induction during their childbearing years. Read More 

Chemical Dependency And Co-Dependency: How The Two Are Related And How To Break The Cycle

People with chemical dependency issues almost always have co-dependency issues with their relationships. Alcoholics always have that one person that keeps handing them a drink, and not because their friends or partners are trying to keep them drunk or hurt them, but because they do not recognize that they are enablers of the alcoholics in their lives. This unhealthy cycle of being with someone or being someone's friend who enables the addiction is what keeps your addiction going. Read More 

For Beginners Only: Dealing With Ankle Pain

As a beginning runner, ankle pain is one of the most common maladies you'll likely face. Knowing how to deal with and prevent it from occurring benefits you as you become more accustomed to running, whether for fitness or for sport. What Causes the Pain? Overuse is a common theme among new runners who experience ankle pain. It takes time for all of the muscles, ligaments and tendons to get used to the newfound demands caused by demanding exercise. Read More 

Nutritional Deficiencies That Can Affect Your Child’s Behavior

Is your formerly well-mannered child acting out? Are you finding that he or she is beginning to exhibit anti-social behaviors or are becoming unusually aggressive? Before you become overly anxious and start looking into psychiatric intervention or behavioral drugs, you may want to first examine your child's diet. It may be that foods your child is eating are missing or are deficient in the essential vitamins or minerals that are needed to regulate behavior. Read More 

Common Optometry Questions Addressed

A person's ability to see is arguably the most important sense, but there are many conditions that can cause your vision to deteriorate over time. Sadly, this can reach a point where a person can be classified as disabled. Luckily, optometrists are individuals that have the training and experience needed to help individuals keep their sense of vision sharp. Yet, most people do not visit these medical professionals very frequently, and there are a couple of questions that they may need answered. Read More